
Improved masculine self. One which accepts the feminine side of his nature and

expresses it where

appropriate without shame, fear or guilt.

I am not suggesting any ridiculous behaviour like wearing red nail polish to the office, or wearing non- fly front slacks. What I do suggest is that once one has come face to face with the inescapable fact that he does have a girl within he will be able to express feelings, carry out activities and in general be him- self without such inhibitions as formerly. Thus as he does these things openly and without cringing others will see him and themselves be better able to express themselves albeit without dressing. Thus we can in our own small way, do our individual small bit to- ward rescueing masculinity from it's shameful and tragic retreat from femininity and thus help to restore a sensible balance between the gender expressions of the two sexes.

The modern male needs to be emancipated from his fears and limitations just as the female has been doing for herself for the last 75 years. Maybe some- day we'll have a society in which the females will be able to express themselves without fearing loss of femininity and the males wont be so insecure as to feel that venturing a wee bit outside the accepted limits will brand them as effeminate or even queer. Here's to the day and a more effective, efficient and happy society.



Don't forget our new full length novel "Carnival", now available. 100 pages, 5 illustrations. Price, $5.00. Chevalier Publications, Box 36091, Los Angeles, California